Raw Organic Cacao POWDER
The Mayan Superfood
Cacao (pronounced ka-kow) beans are the seeds of an Amazonian fruiting tree and source of all chocolate and cocoa products. Pulverising our raw Nibs separates them into creamy Cacao Butter and beautiful rich, raw Cacao Powder. As the temperature is never allowed to exceed 40°C, the powder is considered a ‘raw’ food with all heat-sensitive vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants remaining intact, thereby maximising digestion and absorption. In fact, our powder has over 360% MORE antioxidants than regular cocoa !!
Nutritional Benefits
The Mexican Mayan kings drank up to 30 pure chocolate drinks a day to maintain their vigour and valued the bean so highly that it was used as money. Raw Cacao products are a source of beta-carotene, amino acids (protein), Omega-3 EFA’s, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulphur, potassium, and one of the best food sources of muscle relaxing, stress relieving magnesium – now you know why women crave chocolate every month!
Suggested Uses
Add to smoothies or milkshakes, make hot chocolate, sprinkle on coffee or icecream, add to cookie or muffin batter, or substitute for regular cocoa powder in dessert recipes.
1. Will it keep me awake at night? Depends – some people say it helps them sleep, some say it makes them more alert – we’re all so unique!
2. How much caffeine does cacao have? All natural products vary, but it is generally considered to have about 1% caffeine (as compared to tea at 4% and coffee which can be more than 10% !!)
3. So why do I feel so good eating cacao? Cacao has other naturally occurring phytochemicals like theobromine (considered an aphrodisiac), phenylethylamine (PEA – released when we fall in love), and anandamide (the ‘bliss’ chemical).